Friday, February 29, 2008

some links

smartest unknown indian entrepreneur

leadership (actually article on why hillary is losing out to obama);_ylt=AsGR0qHvNqmGLr4iM2ZaE0wDW7oF

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

30 Quick Fixes for Windows XP and Vista

Something which is really good is :

AutoRuns for Windows :

Friday, November 30, 2007

Sitting is one of the causes of being overweight :

The radioactive tracer revealed that when the animals were sitting down, the fat did not remain in the blood vessels that pass through the muscles, where it could be burned. Instead, it was captured by the adipose tissue, a type of connective tissue where globules of fat are stored. That tissue is found around organs such as the kidneys, so it's not really where you want to see the fat end up.

The researchers also took a close look at a fat-splitting enzyme, called lipase, that is critical to the body's ability to break down fat.

After the animals remained seated for several hours, "the enzyme was suppressed down to 10 percent of normal," Hamilton said. "It's just virtually shut off."

The results from the animal studies were very convincing, he said, and human experiments were just as compelling. The researchers injected a small needle into the muscles of the human volunteers and extracted a small sample for biopsy. Once again, the enzyme was suppressed while the humans remained seated. That resulted in retention of fat, and it also resulted in lower HDL, the "good cholesterol," and an overall reduction in the metabolic rate.

original article :

Friday, November 9, 2007

seems interesting, but not read even the amazon reviews yet :

even before going thru the book, the thought arises : why stop at 4? If you are passionate (I really do not like this word) about what you are doing (social service, business, programming, teaching, writing books, ...) why not do it for 8 or 12?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thinkers 50 is an annual ranking of the top 50 management thought leaders in the world. This year, the top spot went to C K Prahalad.

One book by him is : The Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid.

Seems to be very interesting. About how to help the poor and be profitable at the same time.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Beginner's Guide to SLR Photography for geeks :

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

7 secrets of inspiring leaders
(from Carmine Gallo)

  1. Demonstrate enthusiasm - constantly

  2. Inspiring leaders have an abundance of passion for what they do. You cannot inspire unless you're inspired yourself.

  3. Articulate a compelling course of action

  4. Inspiring leaders craft and deliver a specific, consistent, and memorable vision. A goal such as "we intend to double our sales by this time next year," is not inspiring. Neither is a long, convoluted mission statement destined to be tucked away and forgotten in a desk somewhere. A vision is a short (usually 10 words or less), vivid description of what the world will look like if your product or service succeeds.

  5. Always remember, it's as much about them as it is about you

  6. In my first class at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism, I was taught to answer the question, "Why should my readers care?" That's the same thing you need to ask yourself constantly throughout a presentation, meeting, pitch, or any situation where persuasion takes place. Your listeners are asking themselves, what's in this for me? Answer it. Don't make them guess.

  7. Inspiring leaders tell memorable stories

  8. A few weeks ago I was working with one of the largest producers of organic food in the country. I can't recall most, if any, of the data they used to prove organic is better. But I remember a story a farmer told. He said when he worked for a conventional grower, his kids could not hug him at the end of the day when he got home. His clothes had to be removed and disinfected. Now, his kids can hug him as soon as he walks off the field. No amount of data can replace that story. And now guess what I think about when I see the organic section in my local grocery store? You got it. The farmer's story. Stories connect with people on an emotional level. Tell more of them.

  9. Invite participation

  10. Inspiring leaders bring employees, customers, and colleagues into the process of building the company or service. This is especially important when trying to motivate young people. The command and control way of managing is over. Instead, today's managers solicit input, listen for feedback, and actively incorporate what they hear. Employees want more than a paycheck. They want to know that their work is adding up to something meaningful.

  11. Reinforce an optimistic outlook

  12. Inspiring leaders speak of a better future. Robert Noyce, the co-founder of Intel INTC, said, "Optimism is an essential ingredient of innovation. How else can the individual favor change over security?" Extraordinary leaders throughout history have been more optimistic than the average person. Winston Churchill exuded hope and confidence in the darkest days of World War II. Colin Powell said that optimism was the secret behind Ronald Reagan's charisma. Powell also said that optimism is a force multiplier, meaning it has a ripple effect throughout an organization. Speak in positive, optimistic language. Be a beacon of hope.

  13. Encourage potential

  14. Inspiring leaders praise people and invest in them emotionally. Richard Branson has said that when you praise people they flourish; criticize them and they shrivel up. Praise is the easiest way to connect with people. When people receive genuine praise, their doubt diminishes and their spirits soar. Encourage people and they'll walk through walls for you.

By inspiring your listeners, you become the kind of person people want to be around. Customers will want to do business with you, employees will want to work with you, and investors will want to back you. It all starts with mastering the language of motivation.

Japanese Website for comparing prices and finding stuff at the cheapest place :

Friday, September 14, 2007

Physical Fitness begins in the Mind


excerpts from : Fitness Begins In Your Mind - By Mike Gardner

  • I've trained and consulted with some of the biggest names in the fitness and sports arena. The more I teach and the more I learn, one key fact of fitness runs throughout the lives of those who are successful -- no matter what their goals -- Before anyone can achieve physical fitness, he or she must become mentally fit.
  • Make no mistake, You need a sound diet and a consistent exercise to achieve physical fitness. But without the mental component, you're out of balance. Without balance, you'll find yourself yo-yo-dieting and yo-yo exercising. ... how often have you heard a fitness guru speak on the subject of mental fitness?
  • Focusing on the mental part of the equation, consider this: The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real or not real. So, when you set your physical fitness goal, put it in the form of a simple, positive statement that you can say out loud. Don't use the future tense, such as " week I'm going to start walking a mile a day." Rather, frame it as if it has already happened. For example, repeat this statement out loud: "I lost thirty pounds; I eat healthy; and I walk two nights a week for twenty minutes. I feel great!" If you will repeat these positive statements (or ones that you compose) at least three times, twice a day, within one month you will be well on your way to achieving your goal.
  • Mental fitness should be the beginning of your total fitness program. It should include a series of positive affirmations that lead you to your fitness goals.

First Post using Windows Live Writer

If this post goes thru well, then Windows Live Writer is a good free tool for writing blogs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Brief Japanese Food Guide from Ajinomoto :

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

How to build your business before quitting your day job:

Five ways to be a great boss :

  1. Always meet your people with a smile
  2. Try to appreciate good things, ignore mistakes (let them learn on their own)
  3. Appreciate generously
  4. Help people prepare their goals and checklists
  5. Stay sharp, up-to-date

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A lady called Kate was presented a Canon EOS 400D. This is her first SLR. She has started a nice website which explains the basics : ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed etc. :

A guide to creating a minimalist home

Thursday, August 9, 2007

a place for camping.
one of the few camping places where everything is provided.

a website where you can upload photos and they will print them and mail them to you :

Monday, August 6, 2007

Ten Things your IT Department won't tell you.

Among others, has the following :

to upload large file (upto 2GB) use this site :

to bypass any website blocking in your company, use this site :

Thursday, August 2, 2007

from some self writings by Javed Akhtar here

Thursday, July 5, 2007

some random quotations

Research into illness has progressed so much that it is almost impossible to find someone who is completely healthy. -- Aldous Huxley.

Words are not created by academics in universities and suchlike, rather it is the man in the street who does so. Dictionary compilers almost always recognise them too late and embalm them in alphabetical order, in many cases when they have lost their original meaning. -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Become the change you want to see in the world. -- Mahatma Gandhi.

The wise man shows the moon, the idiot looks at his finger.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What you own soon owns you

Read another article on stress management.
Has a nice point :

"Cleanse the Clutter: Have you ever heard the saying that what you own soon owns you? Not only do these unnecessary items consume much of your energy for cleaning and maintenance, they also add to the clutter, making you disorganized and increasing your stress level. Cut back and let go. A good rule of thumb is that anything you haven't used in six months can be given away to charity."

The article is here.

Monday, June 25, 2007

How Not to Talk to Your Kids

The Inverse Power of Praise.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

seems to be a good article on a good site : Don't criticize, condemn or complain.

among other nice points in the article, there is the following quote :

"In the field of management, there is the intriguing work of Daniel Isenberg, a Harvard Business School professor who has spent many years studying the qualities which differentiate a dynamic executive from his less successful contemporaries. Contrary to the popular stereotype of the high achiever as an arrogant autocrat, impatiently judging colleagues and insensitive to the needs of subordinates, Isenberg has found the most successful senior managers are quite extraordinary in their ability to refrain from overt criticism of others, often humorously conceding when they themselves are wrong. They also take a greater than normal interest in the emotional comfort of their fellow workers and have a tendency to transform everyday resentments over unexpected problems into constructive questions about how to improve their company’s operations."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Aloe Vera : seems to be the best natural supplement of all - even better than garlic.
Here is an enthusiastic article :

Monday, June 18, 2007

An interview with Swami Saravgatananda :

Thursday, June 14, 2007

specially for the kids :
pencils : pencil carvings

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

mp3 readings from ramakrishna, vivekananda, ...

here are some good mp3 readings from ramakrishna, vivekananda, ...

characteristics of a mature personality


1) He has a thorough knowledge of the workings of his mind; he knows his assets and liabilities.

2) He accepts himself; loves himself; and takes responsibility for himself.

3) He has an optimistic, cheerful but realistic attitude towards life and the world. He suffers neither from superiority nor an inferiority complex.

4) He has a clearly defined philosophy and goal in life and is rational in his thoughts.

5) He has sufficient self-control and is willing to sacrifice his self-interest is order to reach his goal.

6) He constantly strives to improve himself without getting frustrated. Failures only make him more determined.

7) He always tries to see the best in himself and others. He forgives himself and others.

8) He accepts and integrates evil and suffering as part of life and as stepping-stones to a better life.

9) He has a place, a definite routine, for everything in life.

10) He has a keen sense of humour without becoming a buffoon. (As a wag said: 'If we can learn to laugh at ourselves we will never lack entertainment in life!')

Friday, June 8, 2007

links for yoga exercises for eyes.

There is also something called the Bates Method.

The wikipedia entry is here :

Thursday, June 7, 2007

was looking at digital slr's and from the reviews at various places, nikon d40 seems to be good for a person getting into slr : good set of basic features (including continuous shots of 2.5 frames per sec), light, not expensive. seems to be for about 65,000 yen at bic camera (from their website).

[12 june 2007]
at cnet, this does not seem to fare so well :

"Shutter lag and autofocus speed pop up as the D40's biggest weaknesses. It wakes up fast--0.3 second and you're good to go. But its shutter lag in good light is an almost embarrassing (for a dSLR) 0.7 second, and it more than doubles in dim light to 1.6 seconds. I frequently missed shots because of it. The autofocus system works fine for small changes--the subject taking a step, or refocusing on something nearby--but when switching from a far subject to a near subject or vice versa, it takes a perceptibly long second or two to lock."

"If you're just looking for a great, cheap dSLR, the faster, higher-resolution Canon EOS Rebel XT is probably a better bet; and if you're an experienced shooter, you might want to spend more for the Nikon D80."

on sunday (10th june's) function, kanai san said he had bought a D40 on friday. midway during the session, after he would have taken about 50 photos or more, he did not seem too happy. he advised that i go for the next higher camera.

Very nice site on indian classical music sent by Amit Thakur.
Has descriptions of raagas, some film songs based on those raags (we can hear excerpts of the songs), and then classical renditions of raags from famous musicians (again we can hear excerpts of these.)

This site also has a nice lecture by S. Chandrasekhar : Shakespeare, Newton and Beethoven, or Patterns of Creativity

The contact lenses that could restore 20/20 vision

you wear the lenses every night and take them off every morning. during the night the lenses flatten the curvature of the eye so that you have perfect vision for a day.

seem safe for children too. the technique is called Ortho-K.

"...the method is popular in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and the US, and is gaining ground in this country as more people hear about it."

the article on wikipedia is here :

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Open Source As Altenative
has information about s/w which can be used instead of commercial s/w.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Human Immortality: A Scientific Reality?


"Over half the baby boomers here in America are going to see their hundredth birthday and beyond in excellent health," says Dr. Ronald Klatz of the American Academy of Anti-Aging. "We're looking at life spans for the baby boomers and the generation after the baby boomers of 120 to 150 years of age."

"Anti-aging medicine is not about stretching out the last years of life." says Dr. Klatz. "It's about stretching out the middle years of life... and actually compressing those last years few years of life so that diseases of aging happen very, very late in the life cycle, just before death, or don't happen at all."

The Failure of Modern Public Education


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Massive Resource List for All Autodidacts

Replacement for Real Player :